KALI LAB was born in the context of my first solo dance project called SO WHAT?! which focuses on the repression of female bodies, in our current societies and throughout history, as part of the research process.
The main goal of this research lab is to build a safe space for and with women in quest for inner self exploration. Together we will challenge our boundaries in order to create a playground designed to meet our true needs and ambitions. In this process we will alternate with discussion sessions and body talks. During these, we will dig into notions such as, empowerment, beauty, sexuality, sorority, motherhood, public and private space. Throughout this journey, we will question the stereotypes related to the concept of femininity.
Another part of the research will focus on the body and how it interacts with its environment. Throughout a series of exercises especially designed for this laboratory, we will attempt to embody the notions discussed before. This way, we will emphasize on balancing our emotions and using our body as a cathartic medium. It will be more about working with than on our emotions. Anger, joy, fear, ecstasy, serenity, anxiety, surrender, will be welcome to occupy the space.
Working in a safe atmosphere has always been one of my priorities. With KALI LAB I want to go further into that direction by inviting the participants to elaborate an environment that allows them to safely break through their comfort zone. It’s about sharing our concerns with people we can relate to without the fear of being judged or disrespected. My concern will be to build a dynamic inside the group that can reinforce self trust and strength. Using consensual communication and somatic practises, we will slowly build the intimacy required on our way to empowerment.